Mitwe meeting during Coronavirus Crisis - April 2020
The ZRDF Director Brandy Mungaila reports very few cases of the virus has affected Zambian citizens. Most of these have been in the capital in Lusaka and to date no cases have been reported in the areas ZRDF works. The programme officers are spending much of their time with the communities.
ZRDF held a meeting in Mitwe's school building with Headmen, PTA and CBO from Mitwe and Kamimbya. It was a follow-up meeting on the measures of COVID-19. No shaking of hands was encouraged by the headteacher and he also emphasized that there should be no social gatherings among other measures MoH gave to all Zambians.
The community provided 3 buckets with taps and hand washing soap.
The Chief's advisor - Chilolo, was assigned to address the topic of the Pandemic of COVID-19. He emphasized the importance of washing hands with soap as hand sanitizers are not commonplace in the communities.
Similar meetings have been held in the other communities within the region to ensure there is a good level iof understanding related to the issues of coronavirus pandemic