Kalubula's Grace faces farming success after ZRDF Training.
Grace Maliposa is a subsistence farmer and a beneficiary under the soya beans project. She is married and has four (4) school going children; three (3) boys and one (1) girl. She says that the training she has received in soya beans production and herbicide application helped her manage the fields properly. She now knows how to prepare the land using conservation agriculture and conventional method as well as weed management through herbicide application. She now understands the importance of timely planting of crops. She also tells us that previously, she used to apply herbicides, pesticides and insecticides in her fields but they never used to work according to her expectations and the yields were very low. She is expecting higher yields this farming season as a result of the knowledge she has acquired through training and the crops are doing very fine. She learnt that planting and training on time helps one have good yield and good post-harvest management. The challenges are climate change, high costs of inputs and transportation. She is very grateful for the support rendered to the community because most farmers have improved their farming techniques and higher yields are been realized.