Pupil Hand Washing facility at Kapalembe School
BZT relies entirely on voluntary donations. 100% of your donation goes directly to project activities in Zambia. Helping to change lives is very cost effective.
For example:
£50 enables a farmer to grow soya or bananas for their family and for market
£50 will provide a bicycle for a trained community HIV worker
£2,000 will build toilets for a school
£4,000 will pay for a bore hole to provide clean water to a school
£8,000 will enable a community to build a teacher’s house with toilet to attract a qualified teacher to teach 200 children
We provide donors with regular updates, a newsletter and an Annual Review. We provide donors with regular updates, an annual newsletter and an opportunity to visit our projects on the ground.
If you would like to receive information on-line, please email your details to contact@bzt.org.uk and be assured that this information will not be shared with any other parties.
If you would like to donate please visit our donate page. Do let us know so we can thank you!

Pupils in Classrooms Before

...and after.